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Skilled Defense Against Assault Charges

If you are facing assault charges, you know you need a strong defense. You don’t want to leave yourself unprotected when prosecutors think they have you in their sites as an easy mark.

At the Law Offices of Derek P. Wisehart in Visalia, we can provide the skilled defense you need against any type of assault charge. Attorney Wisehart is a former prosecutor and a criminal law specialist as certified by The State Bar of California. Call to learn more about how our defense lawyer can help you in your specific situation.

What Incident Led To Charges Against You?

Our firm defends against a full range of assault and battery charges. These include:

  • Bar fights Intoxication is not necessarily a complete defense to criminal charges. But if you got into a fight with someone in a bar or while leaving a bar, we can work to make prosecutors see your side of the story.
  • Domestic violence When an incident of violence occurs between intimate partners or in a family setting, prosecutors may choose to bring domestic assault charges. We will not let you be railroaded into pleading guilty to a charge that goes beyond what actually happened.
  • Sex offenses Perhaps the most serious of all assault charges is for rape or sexual assault. We have the experience to defend your rights effectively in such cases.
  • Assault with a deadly weapon If prosecutors allege that you threatened someone with a gun or another deadly weapon, this is a very serious criminal charge. Our firm knows how to defend your rights in these cases. This includes cases in which weapons charges such as felon in possession of a firearm are on the table.

Personalized Attention To Your Unique Case

Defending you against an assault charge isn’t something we do by consulting some sort of preconceived playbook. Attorney Wisehart will get to know you and the facts of your specific case. With this knowledge, he can design a defense that makes the most sense for you. For example, if you are a veteran, we could consider getting your case into veterans court in Tulare County.

Call Today

No matter what the facts are, we encourage you to contact us to get started on your defense with a free initial consultation. Call our office at 559-429-5630 or 800-742-6392 today, or send us an online message.

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Super Lawyers
State Bar Of California | CBLS | California Board Of Leal Specialization | Certified Since 2001
The National Trial Lawyers | Top 100 Trial Lawyers

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