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A Visalia teen is found guilty for running over a father of 2

On Behalf of | Dec 8, 2017 | Criminal Defense

A Visalia teen, who’d allegedly struck and killed a 35-year-old Visalia man with her car this past Memorial Day weekend, has been found guilty of second degree murder for his death. The 18-year-old is now awaiting sentencing. She’s facing anywhere between 25 years and a lifetime in jail.

The married decedent was a father to two young girls. Each of them testified at the defendant’s trial. While on the stand, they all described how the man had was standing outside of his Prospect Avenue home shortly before the incident. They testified that he’d just finished breaking up an argument between the defendant, her boyfriend and a third man before he was struck by her car. They testified having seen the motorist put her car in reverse and then roll over the man after initially striking him as well. It’s then that the man became trapped underneath the defendant’s vehicle. The motorist then speedily took off all the while dragging the man down Prospect Avenue.

It wasn’t long after the motorist took off with her husband that the wife took off in her own vehicle in an effort to chase the motorist down. Other family members visiting the couples’ home at the time stood in front of the home both shouting at the motorist to stop her car and calling 911.

The teen motorist was later found a short distance from the decedent’s home where she was placed under arrest and charged with vehicular homicide. The husband was still alive at that point, but critically injured. He died soon after arriving at the hospital.

At the trial, the district attorney later asked the man’s widow to identify the motorist she believed to be responsible for her husband’s death. She pointed to the defendant in a dramatic moment inside the courtroom.

If you’ve been charged with vehicular homicide, then a Visalia criminal defense attorney can advise you of your rights in your case.

Source: ABC 30 Action News, “18-year-old Visalia woman is accused of intentionally running over and killing a man,” Brian Johnson, Nov. 22, 2017


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