Since the release of National Lampoon’s Animal House film, not to mention the movies that followed, college students who occupy dorms, fraternities, and sororities have become known for parties on and off campus. The stereotype still sticks. According to the NIAAA...
A Trial Lawyer You Can Trust
Drunk Driving
Is it really that serious if I get arrested for a first-time DUI?
A DUI is one of the most common of crimes, even within an otherwise law-abiding population. Alcohol is embedded in our culture that going to happy hour after work or grabbing a few beers at a friend’s house is extremely common and, nowadays, socially acceptable....
Consequences of refusing a breath test
Being stopped for suspicion of driving under the influence (DUI) by a police officer in Visalia, California, is a stressful situation. There's so much riding on the traffic stop that can hurt your chances of remaining free. You will want to answer all of the questions...
How to stop yourself from driving drunk
When you're under the influence of alcohol, it's easy to believe you can safely get behind the wheel of your car. Not only is this a bad idea from a safety perspective, but doing so can also land you in serious legal trouble.There are many simple steps you can take to...
How long do I have to install an ignition interlock device for?
If you are convicted of driving under the influence (DUI) by a jury in Visalia or other parts of Tulare County, then you won't just have your license suspended. You'll also be required to install an ignition interlock device (IID) on the cars that you operate and...
Do these things to prevent drunk driving during the holidays
There is no better time of the year than the holiday season. From good times with friends and family to the incredible food and heartfelt gifts, there's always something to put a smile on your face.Adding to this, many people enjoy having a few drinks during the...
A alleged drunk driver is arrested for causing 5 Visalia crashes
A spokesperson for the Visalia Police Department reports that a 72-year-old area resident apparently decided to drive around striking people with his car on Halloween night. He fled the crash scene each and every time. Once he was tracked down, police determined that...
Underage driving under the influence in California
Driving under the influence is one of the most dangerous things a person can do in California. It becomes even more dangerous when the driver is underage. Not only are they inexperienced, but they are also under the influence of alcohol when they are legally not...
You’re stopped for suspicion of DUI, now what?
You never want to find yourself pulled over to the side of the road by a police officer. This is even more so the case if you have alcohol in your system.If you're stopped for suspicion of DUI, you need to follow a few key pointers: Provide the requested...
Important things to know about ignition interlock devices
If you are convicted of driving under the influence of alcohol, it's possible you could be required to install an ignition interlock device (IID) in your vehicle.This device is installed to prevent you from operating your vehicle if there is any alcohol in your...
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