As you consider applying for a credit card or seeking a higher credit limit, you might feel tempted to stretch the truth to boost your chances of approval. However, falsifying information on a credit card application is far from harmless. Depending on the severity of...
A Trial Lawyer You Can Trust
White-collar Crime
If you suspect fraud at your job, start building a legal defense
In a workplace, the presence of fraudulent behavior can put anyone in a difficult position, even if they have no involvement. Suspicion can quickly spread, and you might face accusations of fraud or embezzlement based on mere association. If you suspect fraud, taking...
Protecting the rights of people charged with a white-collar crime
Many people do not accurately understand what a white-collar crime is, much less the consequences and punishments if the state charges an individual with a white-collar crime. CEOs and Wall Street Executives are not the only ones to commit white-collar crimes. In...
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