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Tulare county deputies seize 150 pounds of marijuana

On Behalf of | Oct 30, 2018 | Drug Charges

During the month of October, law enforcement agencies throughout Tulare County have stepped up their efforts to round up those accused of domestic violence. On Oct. 17 alone, officers from multiple agencies set out to canvass neighborhoods across the county. Law enforcement hoped to serve 291 warrants for arrest that day. By the end of the day, they’d arrested 18 individuals.

A Tulare County Sheriff’s Department spokesperson noted 12 of those arrested during this 16th National Family Violence Apprehension Detail were wanted on domestic violence charges. Three were wanted on either drug or drunk driving charges. At least two of those arrested on domestic violence charges were women.

Tulare County deputies participating in this operation came across an unexpected surprise of just under 150 pounds of marijuana while attempting to serve their warrants at one of the homes. Soon after finding this, they took the home’s inhabitants into custody. They were later booked in the county jail for both possession and cultivation of marijuana for sale charges.

A spokesperson for the joint operative notes that any unserved warrants will be followed up on by local police departments.

Law enforcement agencies tend to do two different things when they come across drugs. They generally assume that it belongs to anyone who lives or operates around it, whether it’s on their person or not. They also craft assumptions about how a defendant intended to use the drug, whether for personal use or to sell, based on how much of it they’re in possession of.

Just like an arrest for any other crime, when you’re accused of a drug offense, anything you do or say can be used against you in the court of law. That’s why it’s important that you exercise your right to speak with a Visalia drug charges attorney who can advise you of how to best protect your interests in your criminal matter.


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